Apr 27, 2012

20 Strange-But-True Facts! Forum Tools

1. To human taste buds, Zima is virtually indistinguishable from zebra urine.

2. SCUBA divers cannot pass gas at depths of 33 feet or below.

3. The Boeing 747 is capable of flying upside-down if it weren't for the fact that the wings would shear off when trying to roll it over.

4. Male rhesus monkeys often hang from tree branches by their amazing prehensile penises.

5. The increased electricity used by modern appliances is causing a shift in the Earth's magnetic field. By the year 2327, the North Pole will be located in mid-Kansas, while the South Pole will be just off the coast of East Africa.

6. In the weightlessness of space a frozen pea will explode if it comes in contact with Pepsi.

7. The Venezuelan brown bat can detect and dodge individual raindrops in mid-flight, arriving safely back at his cave completely dry.

8. Due to the natural "momentum" of the ocean, saltwater fish cannot swim backwards.

9. Although difficult, it's possible to start a fire by rapidly rubbing together two Cool Ranch Doritos.

10. In WWII the US military planned to airdrop over France propaganda in the form of Playboy magazine, with coded messages hidden in the models' turn-ons and turn-offs. The plan was scrapped because of a staple shortage due to rationing of metal.

11. Due to the angle at which the optic nerve enters the brain, staring at a blue surface during sex greatly increases the intensity of orgasms.

12. Urine from male cape water buffaloes is so flammable that some tribes use it for lantern fuel.

13. Approximately one-sixth of your life is spent on Wednesdays.

14. Until 1978, Camel cigarettes contained minute particles of real camels.

15. Human saliva has a boiling point three times that of regular water.

16. In 1843, a Parisian street mime got stuck in his imaginary box and consequently died of starvation.

17. The volume of water that the Giant Sequoia tree consumes in a 24-hour period contains enough suspended minerals to pave 17.3 feet of a 4-lane concrete freeway.

18. The skin needed for elbow transplants must be taken from the scrotum of a cadaver.

19. Silly Putty was "discovered" as the residue left behind after the first latex condoms were produced. It's not widely publicized for obvious reasons.

20. Polar bears can eat as many as 86 penguins in a single sitting.

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