Nasir Siddiki
Left to Die
By age 34, Nasir Siddiki, a successful business man, had made his first million, but money meant nothing to him on his deathbed. Diagnosed with the worst case of shingles ever admitted to Toronto General Hospital , his immune system shut down and doctors left him to die.
The next morning I woke in a sterile room on the eighth floor of the hospital, my skin burning as though someone had doused me in gasoline and lit a match. I felt on fire from the inside out.
My doctor arrived and looked at me in wonder. “The blisters are multiplying so fast I can literally watch them grow,” he said. ‘”Your body isn’t fighting back.”
The next morning, in addition to shingles, I had chicken pox from head to toe. I was put in strict isolation. That evening my temperature soared to 107.6 degrees — hot enough to leave my brain permanently scrambled.Continue reading after the cut
For days I continued to deteriorate. My nerve endings became so inflamed that a hair drifting across my skin sent shock waves of fire rippling through my body. By week’s end, I was listed in critical condition.
Nasir and Anita Siddiki
My Last Hope
In life, I’d been bold, self confident, a risk taker. But facing death, I was terrified. I had no idea what might await me on the other side. I’d been raised as a Muslem in London , England , and I understood Allah was not a god who heals.
My only hope was in medicine.
I eventually slipped so close to death that the doctors didn’t know I could hear them when they examined me. “His immune system has simply shut down,” one of them said.
“He’s dying,” the other confirmed. “His immune system must be compromised by AIDS.”
I don’t have AIDS! I wanted to shout, but I couldn’t form the words. Then it hit me. He said I’m dying!
The doctors spoke quietly to my co-worker, Anita. “In a few hours he’ll be dead,” they said. “If by some miracle he lives, he’ll probably be blind in his right eye, deaf in his right ear, paralyzed on his right side and he may be severely brain damaged from the high fever.”
Then they left.
They left me here to die! I felt like a drowning man going down for the third time. Gathering my strength I whispered a prayer. “God, if you’re real, don’t let me die!”
In His Presence
During the darkest hour of the night, I woke and saw a man at the foot of my bed. Rays of light emanated from him, allowing me to see his outline. I couldn’t see his face, it was too bright. No one had to tell me, I knew it was Jesus.
The Koran mentions Jesus; Moslems believe He existed, not as the son of God, but as a good man and a prophet. I knew this wasn’t Mohammed. I knew it wasn’t Allah. Jesus was in my room. There was no fear, only peace.
“Why would You come to a Moslem when everyone else has left me to die?” I wondered.
Without words, he spoke to me. “I Am the God of the Christians. I Am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
That’s all He said. He didn’t mention my illness. He didn’t mention my impending death. As suddenly as He appeared, He was gone.
The next morning, the same two doctors arrived to examine me. “The blisters have stopped growing!”
“We don’t know what happened, but the shingles virus has gone into remission!”
The following day, still in pain and covered with blisters, I was discharged from the hospital with a suitcase full of drugs. “Don’t leave home,” the doctor cautioned. “It will be months before the blisters go away, and when they do you’ll be left with white patches of skin and scars. The pain could last for years.”
Stepping outside into the morning sun, I looked like a cross between a leper and the Elephant Man. When people saw me, they crossed to the other side of the street. However, my mind was not on my looks; my thoughts were on Jesus. There was no doubt in my mind that Jesus’ presence in my room had stopped the shingles virus. Whatever else Jesus may be, I realized that in His presence miracles happened.
That fact left me with one consuming question: Is Jesus the Son of God as the Christians claim, or is He just a prophet as I was taught?
At home that evening, in spite of the drugs, the pain and itching was so severe I almost had to tie my hands. Even so, I fell into a restless sleep wondering about Jesus.
Learning to Live
The next morning, I woke early and turned on the television. Flipping through the channels, I froze when I saw the following words across the screen: Is Jesus the Son of God?
I listened intently as two men spent the entire program discussing this topic — answering all of my questions. Before the show went off the air, one of the men led the television audience in a prayer. My body was aflame with pain but I knelt on my living room floor anyway. Tears streaming down my face, I repeated the prayer and invited Jesus into my heart.
Immediately a voracious spiritual hunger sprang up within me. I had to know more about Jesus. In spite of my doctor’s orders to stay inside, the next day I went out and bought a Bible. First I read the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Still ravenous, I started in Genesis and read through the Bible during my sleepless nights.
Meanwhile, Anita brought me books and teaching tapes explaining the Gospel. I devoured them while continuing to study the Word of God. As my understanding of faith began to grow, I dug out a picture of how I looked before shingles. I prayed and asked God to make me look that way again.
Nasir and Anita Siddiki
Jesus, My Healer
One week after my discharge from the hospital, I woke and found my pillow covered in blisters. I must have clawed them in my sleep, I thought. I crawled out of bed and stepped into the shower. What had started on my pillow was finished in the shower: Every blister fell off my body!
Instead of being covered with patches of white and scar tissue, my skin was simply red and raw. It slowly healed, returning to its pre-shingles condition. When it did, I not only looked human, I looked like I did before I got sick, except for the scars that I still carry on my chest.
None of the doctor’s dire predictions came true. My eyesight was 20/20. My hearing was normal. My speech was unimpaired. I suffered no brain damage.
My healing was miraculous, swift and complete. I never suffered from lingering pain or any other complication. Not only did I have the worst case of shingles ever admitted to Toronto General Hospital , I also had the most miraculous recovery.
Jesus, the God of the Christians, showed up in the hospital room of a dying Moslem and healed me. But that wasn’t the greatest miracle He performed. The transformation that occurred in my heart was even more dramatic than the one that occurred in my body.
An international teacher and evangelist, Dr. Nasir Siddiki is the founder of Wisdom Ministries ( He lives in Tulsa , OK with his wife Anita and their two sons.
Please share this wonderful testimony with others and help spread the Gospel of Christ.
Nasir Siddiki, Muslim Businessman’s Journey from Islam to Christ – (Part 1/2)
Nasir Siddiki, Muslim Businessman's Journey from Islam to Christ - (Part 2/2)
by Geoff Waugh
this is JESUS at work.The great healer......Thank You JESUS for this wonderful testimony.Your healing shall be permanent in JESUS name.(AMEN)
This is fake testimony, I believed that all religion teaches us to become a great person and not to behave by fabricating a self made story.
I bielieve in Jesus, i believe he is the son of the almighty God, this man was rich before the illness, so i don't think he's fabricating any story.people should mind their word when they talk about Jesus and his works.i know what he has done for me.
m not belive on this fake story .....
may be its true or may be its fake.......
alhamdullilah m a muslim and m proud to be a muslim.....
its miricle of allah and may be that person who came in hospital was angel or some one else but thats trur that god helps every one who they r cristn,muslin,hindu or any one else.....
I did not expect them to be so low as to try to persuade people to join Christianity till this extent. I'm not insulting or have the intention to do so to any religion but it's thanks to this few who pull this kind of stunt that either tarnish Christianity or Islam.
Awesome God! How great thou are. Jesus the balm in Gilead. My advice to those unbeliever of the miracle of Jesus is that, they should mind their tongue. If it pleases Jesus to reveal Himself to them, He will do so for He is so mercyful to be hurt by what anyone says.
Jesus is d same yesterday today and forever. Be watchful wat u say against Him because u may live to regret ur lifetime on earth. Praise the Lord.
please try not to fool people by fake stories,even Jesus peace be upon him is not a son of god...god has no son.he gave life to live peacefully not to fool innocent people.get lost
some may think is fake, some may praise God for this good work. take a moment and think. what if this is real? what if one day the one who is coming back is Jesus? what will be your reaction? if you can't go to heaven, will you blame God? If you do, why? think it through, everything has a possibility. I agree, some Christians are not good examples and they had dissapoint people but that doesn't mean everyone is the same. Not because of Osama, people hate Muslims. I mean they were treated with disrespect by people many years back. However it is still over. this world belongs to everyone, no matter where you are from, what color your skin is, we should love each other! Pure love changes EVERYTHING. If you are wiling to be more open minded and not just judge, the world is not as bad as you think! Life is like a cup of coffee, if you know how to enjoy it, though is bitter, you will enjoy the aroma. L.O.V.E cheers!
Just reading through the comments and have to wonder how you can all seriously believe that this was a 'healing by Jesus'. By what mechanism did he do this? Prayers have been shown to be ineffective in clinical studies. Does it not get boring rambling like some unctuous sycophant ready with immediate praise? Also to the person claiming that hell is real, where is it/have any proof? Do you really believe that Doctor's would leave a man to die or does it add just that little extra twist to the story.
I am glad this man is healthy as it must have been a terrifying ordeal but this kind of testimony is disingenuous and should not be seen as some kind of proof for your Jesus and/or your God.
Please think critically about this. I also think it's prudent to point out that you are quick to jump on the God praise bandwagon on these stories (the good stuff) and yet never condemn the horrific accounts of disease and mutilation that can be found on the side bar of this very page. If God gets credit for the good why not the bad? (inb4 'the devil did it' arguments)
Last point as a response to the blatant Pascal's wager comment: You should live your life in the best possible way whether you believe in God or not if he doesn't exist your friends and family will remember you as a good man...but if God does exist and is truly benevolent your good deeds will outweigh whether you believed in him or not. Plus as Bertrand Russell commented when asked what he would say to God if he existed : "Why, I should say, 'God, you gave us insufficient evidence".
The idiot with the second comment, the man said he had it and you will see that it often affect one side of the body. My grandmother has it right now and it is just under and on her right arm and side and my dad had it also on his ride side of his back and stomach. Before you start running off your mouth and insulting people, go learn your facts! The picture could have been taken when he only had shingles you ass! As for whether or not he's lying about the experience, none of you know. It could be real or it could be fake but it is not for any of you to judge. He knows, and God knows so it matters not what any of us think!
Amazing work by Christ, proves the power of Jesus!
All those contradicting, you're all so ridiculous you make me laugh, how dare you doubt Gods work.
Keep your mouths shut, and careful what you say about Our Lord.
Beautiful story, and proud to hear you've healed fully!
Praise Christ.
Praise God for your healing! Tk you for giving God the glory and tks. God is love. Tk you for sharing.
I love to hear a great testimony of how our God heals! I believe this was one of them. These miracles happen everyday in our lives. You have the choice to believe or not to believe. Praise to You Lord!a
it is better to believe in God in life and find out in death that He doesn't exist than to disbelieve in Him in life and regret it in death.
Jesus Christ- the wounded messiah is 4ever a healing God. And 2 any life which pleases him he can let 2 witness his healing miracles, cos his words in d scriptures says "he will show mercy upon whom he will show mercy"
You are all nutcases. I fucked god in the ass last night so he's too busy wiping the cum out to bother healing some jackasses herpes
My god is good all the time and I believe and knows that he peforms miracles still and his mercy endures forever he Is faithful and righeous and to him all the glory honour and praise belong thank you jesus amen.
Do you think a certain person, especially a rich one, will risk His name by making fake testimonies. The fact that he was once a Muslim and now a testifying Christian. Would a person, who was once speaking against Christians and now proclaiming he was changed and healed because of Jesus is a lying? People just don't understand when they see others proclaiming God's greatness because they just don't see themselves fit for that reasoning; God's reasoning. A people who is lying cannot speak those things especially on the last part of the video. Indeed, he's changed, healed and have witnessed God's love even though he was a Muslim. C'mon Jesus loves everybody...
who is wonderful is JESUS, shout Hallelujah, Hallelujah. thank you Dear LORD JESUS. I love you so much
Wow,4 those who a sceptical,u'all must be oblivious on how u c the world,our life n our God.its true that we r devided by our thoughts,our hearts, n belief,but did u ever stop n wonder,how r we,us,humans came or even living on this planet called earth.i'm sure there r those who'll probably say "E.T" or even say its evolution n honestly i tot it was either 1 of those probably bcause i hav doubts in believing too much in religous qualities on how life came about.then slowly i get to understand that life is x wad others have preach to u about,x wad scientist xplain to us about,nor the books that we hav been studyin on.dont u get it,we hav been guided to search on the wrong side of the facts where our brain needs to understand a theory and accept it as logic.well my dear brothers n sisters living on this planet,have faith in God,show love,live in peace.its not what we know grant us love n peace but what we do to share it.
Firstly, just because it is something that you don't believe, there is no need to be disrespectful about someone's faith or belief. Why not say nothing.
Secondly, science will always be a non-believers evidence. Just thinking how many monkeys have 'evolved' into humans lately. Would you not agree that there are some things even science has a hard time explaining.
Thirdly, God is good. I suppose people fear what they do not know..
Our God is good
Unfortunately I would say, that many have misconstrued christianity or religion in general for a football game. I see no reason why any reasonable christian should be argueing with the moslems over the issue of christ being the son of God or not. After all, whatsoever man says cannot and will not change the stature and the statutes of God in any way. God is God and our lord and saviour Jesus is HIS only begotten son FULLSTOP. Who wants to believe, let him believe. Compromising with words or using unnecesary diplomcy to convince anyone of this truth is pure rubbish as far as I am concerned. I see too many christians being so afraid to speak the truth as it stands, I therefore invite those christians to keep their mouth shut if they cannot or have no ingredience to defend the truth. Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth and the life;NO ONE COMETH UNTO THE FATHER, BUT BY ME (period). Jesus came to this word to set mankind free. He bore the burden of all men and died for us and rose the third day setting the captives free. Who did Mohamed die for? Before his death he said he did not know where he was going. That does not sound like a language of a prophet of God. While moslems go about fighting for Mohamed, our Jesus is fighting for us promising to be with us till the end of time. HE did miracles while here with us and is still doing great wonders in the life of believers and from time to time He shows unbelievers that HE is God , like the case in question. Whosoever wishes to believe is free to do so but one thing is sure; in the end we shall know who is serving the true God. PRAISE BE THE NAME OF JESUS IN ETERNITY - AMEN!!!!!!!
God can still heal today he is no longer in the grave he is alive and is making intercession for us just keep calling on his name.
i know how risky it is for a Moslem to say something like this in public. Moslems who became Believers are persecuted and/or despised by their fellow men. just thinking about that makes me say that this testimony is real and not as fake as you think it is. to God be the glory!
People who normally claim that its fake are perhaps people who hasn't had the chance to see and even talked to Jesus.. Maybe on some point it is fake, or then again it may not.. Just like this man, we were brought up with a different religion and my Dad was so strict about it, to a point that they almost got seperated by my Mom. I was always sad about it, imagine a family being torn a part just because of religion.. Then one night when i was asleep I saw a man, wearing in white, he was glowing.. when I walked near him I knew it was Jesus, though I never seen him before yet deep inside me i know it was him.. Then I began to see him more often in my dreams.. Last time when i was in trouble, He came and said, "My son whatever evil may come unto you, always remember that I will always be beside you".. Fake, delusion or what ever people call it, it doesn't matter, as long as i know it was real and he's with me, that's more than enough for me..
Jesus is Love
this is a fake muslim name,or maybe he is muslim by name see his wife,even not a muslim this is just a propaganda
lol..."why would jesus come to a moslem"? lmao.....JESUS IS ALSO A PROPHET TO MOSLEMS YOU IDIOT!
there re so many christians with muslim name,in iraq ,egypt and so on.So,what is the issue?The thing is that christianity ib on the decline.mostchristians in europe have become non-believers and many are converted to ISLAM.So what to do>The remaining jackasses will have nohing to do by just posting this unfoundable articles!!!
is funny how most people still dont believ that JESUS is the son of God.. God may your name be kept holy!
At the end of the day only those who put their faith in Christ and live by His word will inherit eternal life. Jesus preached while He walked the earth and not everyone believed in Him, when a testimony like this goes out not everyone will believe......................hen Jesus told him, "because you have seen me, you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."
Although i am a sinner ,
I believe miracles happen...
I believe in Jesus Christ healing power..
For my moslem brothers and those who do not believe as to who is Jesus Christ , why not ponder on the testimonies of two moslem children who were dug alive after their father killed them along with their mother just because he saw his wife reading the Holy Bible ... The two very young and innocent children told in details to the moslem relatives , neighbors , including the police what happened and the description of Who came to fed and comfort them ... We all pretend to be wise so check it in the internet(youtube search) and make-up your minds...
Amen !!!
Amen !!!
I believe in Jesus He is the son of God whether u all like it or not and he saves I believe in this story not trying to bash anyones religion but muslims I hope that one day u all will come to the lord jesus christ and realise what u all do is useless .ASccept salvation from the lord its free if u all want to go to heaven.I love u God,lord and saviour Jesus christ
this story is such a bunch of bull!! seriously who writes for this website?! they are just terrible terrible human beings!!
Irrespective of what we believ as Christians or Muslims we know that there is one God who created us all and all the prophets are dear to God and should be dear to us.
God talks to human beings through His prophets and saints and that is what we should be paying attention to.
Let us all listen to the message of all these prophets so we can all become closer to God. God loves everyone who loves His creation irrespective of beliefs, race or gender. May we all love and respect God by not fighting but bu listening to His message of peace and love for all. Amen.
All I can say is "OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!"
Nassir himself has admitted that its Jesus who came to him when everybody left him to die... Just like my wonderful Jesus! I have had an encounter and it is so marvellous, Undescribale!! and PEACEFUL!! You can go hating and condemning but Jesus = LOVE!!!
I am a Muslim and I watched this whole video. The guy just has soo many contradictions, from how he was praying looking up and praying to Mohamed and things like that. We Muslims don't pray like that "looking up in the air", and we don't pray to Mohamed( Peace and blessings be unto him). These are some of the misunderstandings Cristians have of Muslims and not moslems don't get it twisted. I think this guy is a total fake (Where is his british accent?). He He Never was a muslim. Don't these guys who take these testimonials weed these fakers out? The video just strengthened my faith in Allah.
GOD was so greaT!!!
there's nothing he can't do!!! but after all the miracles that he did,, why do people still do not believe in GOD??
I LOVE JESUS CHRIST so much!! and i proudly say,, I LOVE YOU JESUS!!^_^ and i live my life for you as my most precious offerring!! GOD BLESS to all!!
Dis guy is an evagelist wit his anita, u lie. Jesus felt on his face to d ground n pray ar people doin as jesus did so dis is a capital lie. We believe in Allah n prophet mohammadu is a messeger of Allah
Trying to explain the logic behind a miracle is like trying to grab the wind with bare is impossible.
This man had an encounter with Jesus, and whether you believe it or not, he is a living testimony. My only question to all who deny Christ's deity is this....
Would you rather live not believing in Jesus, Heaven or hell, only to die and find that it is for real, or live believing in Jesus Christ the son of the living God, and have abundant life both on this earth, and the eternity there after.
Or would you rather believe in nothing? think about it...eternity is a very long time to regret a wrong choice.
how come a person can get to 100 degree ? that person suppose to be dead.
Those who are stubborn will always remain stubborn forever. Feel really very sory for the unbeliever brotheren. Mercyful Lord forgive them.
The light illusion that he claimed as his healer may be the shadow of devil. He was in suffering, and devil is very fond of alluring the sick person. It might offer the healing to those who was in suffering by compensation is converting his belief, and he was cheated. That's why Moslems are asked to make many more prayer when they are sick, dua and dzikir. Syaithan is real enemy for humanbeings, innahu lakum 'aduwwummubiin.
Father to you alone be all the Glory. We Christians do not live by sight, we live by the LIGHT in the WORD of God. WHOEVER IS BORN OF GOD OVERCOMETH THE WORLD AND THIS IS THE VICTORY THAT OVERCOMETH THE WORLD EVEN OUR FAITH, & WHO IS HE OVERCOMETH FOR YEE THAT BELIEF THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF God.We do not serve a prayer storing God, we serve a prayer ANSWERING GOD. Lord we thank you. Praise thy Lord Hallelujah. WE SERVE A God of the LIVING and not god of the dead.
That U Believe doesn't make a different, That You don't Believe, wouldn't make God Change. It is WELL!!!
Praise ye the Lord.. Either you believe or not Jesus the son of God is at work. Be you Muslim or Christian.. try to make your self an instrument of peace.. Not just by mouth i am a Christian or Muslim... God's grace shall abide with us forever..AMEN
U r a great fool 4 wot u jst said and mind u it is not a publicity stunt. Whether dis man is liein or sayin d truth, u r nt supposed 2 call it a publicity stunt. Do not judge. Were u dere with him in d hospital.
Buh y r u so dumb? Dnt judge pple. U dnt noe if hez sayin d truth or not. If hez liein, leave him 2 God and if hez nt also leave him 2 God. U dnt hv a right 2 call it a publicity stunt cos u dnt noe if itz true or not. So pls shut up n go do smetin sensible with ur life and stop sayin rubbish.
U r a very big fool. He is d son of God n will continue 2 be d son of God. He came 2 die 4 all our sins. Dts left 4 u 2 believe or not. Dnt say wot u will continue 2 regret 4 d rest of ur life.
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