Mar 8, 2012

Lagos Deputy Governor Hosts Gulder Ultimate Search 8 Champions

The Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Hon. (Mrs) Joke Orelope-Adefulire, has predicted that a female contender will one day emerge as the winner of Gulder Ultimate Search. She said this while hosting the 10 Champions of Gulder Ultimate Search 8 . Mrs. Orelope Adefulire commended the female contestants for their performance, despite facing the same challenges as their male counterparts; and having to face the harsh conditions of the jungle The Deputy Governor also welcomed the GUS 8 Road Show contingent to Lagos, after a tour of the home states of the Champions. She remarked: “I must congratulate and welcome you back home, because Lagos is the home of Nigerian Breweries Plc.” She noted: “Let me say that the government of Lagos State under the leadership of our governor, Babatunde Raji Fashola, lays much emphasis on the development of the youth and he has asked me to receive you on his behalf. Because part of what we do in Lagos is to develop our young people, encourage them and motivate them. And we really believe that going by what you have started with our young people, this also adds value to their existence and gives them the ambition to say that one day, I’ll become what I’ll like to become in the future.” This year’s Champions visited Oyo, Edo, Delta, Anambra, Rivers and Lagos states.

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